Change Order – Is it manageable?
Project Management – Change Order
Scenario: Most of us have thought about it many times in our project management roles. How can I manage change orders? The project is flying, deadlines are close, small changes sums up and suddenly margins and deliverers get lost in translation.
– So how to effectively manage change orders? Or even, is it possible?
Problem: There are countless reasons why PMs have trouble managing change orders.
a) Projects start without a clear definition of scope and goals.
b) Communication flow from one side to the other in an informal and unrecorded way.
c) Projects are delayed for organizational reasons and then, when the change order comes there is no courage to clearly state this to the client.
d) Project Status and tracking is poor and sometimes the team loses sight of what moment of the project they are at, and then, changes are accepted in a phase that they shouldn’t.
e) You don’t tell your client right away and then, when you are delivering the work is not a good time to bring it up.
f) There is no formal way agreed by both parts on how to register.
g) Planning of the team and receiving client communication is decentralized and not standardized.
Solution: A robust solution for managing change orders must address this points and enable managers at all times to understand where their projects are at, what milestones have been reached both physical and financial and to register every occurrence of change order, so that the company is proactive on managing and sharing with the client what is going on, right at the moment that change orders occur. So, plan ahead, agree with your client and teach your team what they should do and register it. It will be a lot easier and your results won’t be destroyed by this two words: “change order”.
How Crunchflow can help? Our platform has a lot of ready-to-go applications for managing projects and scopes. It is easy to keep your projects updated and check it status at any time, from anywhere. Each project has a change order tab where you can manage the change orders and customize its status to adapt to your reality.
Want to know more? Get in touch.
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