Cloud Storage For Business

Cloud storage for business – 5 important items to look for

5 important items to look for on a Cloud Storage for Businesses

Professional and well-managed businesses are bringing their documents, photos, drawings, and pictures to the cloud. This is a trend that only increases every year and so it is very important to understand what to look for on a cloud storage for business. In this post, we will share practical but powerful tips about it:

  1. Security
  2. File-sharing
  3. Permission
  4. Storage Limits
  5. Solution

1. Security

One of the most important aspects to look for is security, but note that according to specialists – times insider – “none of the attacks we read about in the recent years were on big businesses cloud, but on private clouds”. So, make sure that you select a solution that relies on the best available clouds. We, at Crunchflow, rely on Microsoft. Also, take a look at the backup policies, because this is very important to secure your information and recover it if anything happens.

2. File Sharing

A file-sharing capability is essential for a cloud storage for business for many reasons: first, it fosters collaboration; second, it boosts your team productivity; and, third, it frees you computer capacity to process other important things. The later is pretty essential especially for companies that develop their work on big files, such as architects, engineers, and agencies.

3. Permission

Permission is a critical aspect to look for because a lot of the files, like contracts, private businesses documents, and client information cannot be shared across the whole company. So a permission-based system is very important.

4. Storage Limits

Storage Limit is one important thing to notice is the limit offered by the different providers out there. Pricing on Storage is usually not expensive, but even though some appear to be cheap, when you start to increase the amount of data, and especially traffic needed for your business it can get ugly and to move files out of a system is not easy.

5. Solution

You shouldn’t be looking for a software that works in a silo, but rather for a solution as your Cloud Storage for Business. Instead of only basic functionality, it is much better if you can actually use a solution that fits your processes (the way you work). That is why, for example, we created Crunchflow Multiplace CRM Solution that enables architects, engineers and project managers to relate all of their files to the place they are working on, but also insert live-cameras, videos, construction pictures. They can also share places, files and more.

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