Scenario: You know your company needs a solution to automate your processes and improve your results. (here are some of the symptoms you might be experiencing on your operation). But what do you really want to achieve with the solution?
Problem: We see this in many cases: You decide to get an automated solution for you project/program portfolio and you want to start to implement now. You do it, but at the end of it, you don’t know if this solution improved your process, neither if your results are getting better. Are you satisfied with the implementation? You don’t know for sure.
Solution: Implementing a solution should always start with the end in mind. So, it is very important to have clear goals before starting the implementation. Here are some of the common goals we see:
· I want to be able to improve my delivery time
· I want to have accurate information about my projects backlog in terms of revenue, effort and deadlines
· I want to improve my company margins by xx%
· I want to improve my projects margin by xx%
· I want to be able to forecast better my cashflow
· I want to reduce my cash collection cycle by x%
· I want to improve my clients’ satisfaction
· I want to better manage my change orders
· I want to know the status of a program and drill down to a specific project
· I want my Project/Program Management integrated with my financial system
· I want to control my project budget
· I want to know workload of my teams
· I want to improve teams’ productivity
· I want to track my teams’ performance
This is something that seems trivial, but it isn’t. Having all involved parts agreeing on the goals takes some time and experience, but we can assure that it has one of the most powerful impacts in successful implementations. Knowing what you want from the beginning helps you keep everybody aligned and focused during the whole process and measuring results at the end much easier.
How can Crunchflow help? At the begging, with experience. Our consultants have done this with hundreds of teams many times. If you need help defining your goals and implementing a solution to serve as a platform for your business grow, count on us.
At the end, with powerful dashboards that helps you to measure your results and share business results with your teams and managers. Our embedded analytics lets you share your results with company and teams as needed. Check above how it looks:
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